Merit Badge University 2018
Merit Badge University will be hosted on April 14th.
Early Registration ends March 26th
Registration ends April 9th
T-Shirt ordering ends March 26th
Check in and registration will be from 7- 8 AM, opening ceremony is at 8:15AM, lunch at 12PM, and closing ceremony at 5PM. Parking will be free in the Harmon Parking Garage
Early Registration cost is $10
Late Registration cost is $15
We will collect registration fees at the event.
Lunch will NOT be provided at the event.
Designated adult leader will be asked to fill out contact information at the event in the unlikely event of an accident. We ask that at least one adult leader be present throughout the event in the unlikely case of an emergency. We also ask that you coordinate with your scouts to determine an acceptable place they might be collected after the event.
Not all requirements for the badges will be completed at Merit Badge University.
Please direct questions to or
Instructors, please fill out this form: